Tales of Enchantment, Magic Unfolds
“Creating art is a means to return to the looking glass and reenter the garden where flowers whisper and birds can talk. As my beaded characters emerge they carry with them tales from the other side of the mirror. I am grateful for the joy and astonishment experienced through this journey.”
At a young age, Betsy Youngquist was introduced to the Northwest United States and Western Canada, introducing her to First Nations, American Indian and Intuit artwork & people. These early encounters influenced her love of beads and her respect for mythological and spiritual understandings through art.
Today, Youngquist admires cultures where art is a sacred creation. Through her sculpture, she bridges the spiritual with the mundane. Walking the line between the boundaries of logic and the mystical mysteries under the surface, Betsy Youngquist engages surrealism to conceptualize an assemblage of characters, using a range of mixed media. Amassing an assortment of vintage glass beads, stones, sections of antique beaded purses, antique porcelain dolls, prosthetic eyes and a gamut of precious gems; Youngquist’s mosaic menagerie materializes. Each finished piece becomes a collection of energy and experience, carried by the antique materials she uses, creating a breathing work of art.